Credit Hours: 30
Prerequisites: None
This is an entry level diploma program that focuses on Systematic Theology, any study that answers the question, “What does the whole Bible teach us today?” on a given topic. The Diploma of Biblical Studies is a 10-course study of Christian doctrine that lays a solid biblical foundation to help Christians know WHO they believe, WHAT they believe, and WHY they believe it. Upon successful completion, the student will receive a diploma with 30 credit hours that can be used toward an Associate degree in Year 2.
Courses You’ll Complete to Earn A Diploma
- TH 101 Christian Doctrine and Doctrine of Revelation
- TH 102 Doctrine of the Scriptures
- TH 103 Doctrine of God
- TH 104 Doctrine of The Holy Spirit
- TH 105 Doctrine of Angels, Satan, Demonology
- TH 106 Doctrine of Man and Sin
- TH 107 Doctrine of Christ
- TH 108 Doctrine of the Atonement I
- TH 109 Doctrine of the Atonement II
- TH 110 Doctrine of the Atonement III
Graduation Requirements
Before graduating with a Diploma in Biblical Studies, the student must satisfy the following requirements:
Complete at least 30 semester credit hours.
Complete all required coursework, essays, homework, and exams for the Diploma Program.
Have at least a cumulative grade point average of 2.5 or higher.
Complete the Ruach School of Theology Graduation Application.
Pay the required graduation fee of $175.00.
Total Cost w/o Books: $1,400.00 ( Payment Arrangement Accepted)